Help Team Bay Cove Reach Their Goal!
Our Boston Marathon team needs YOUR help to go the distance!

Bay Cove’s New Community Behavioral Health Center Expands Service Offerings on Cape Cod
New program expands access to behavioral healthcare services for residents of Cape Cod.

Bay Cove partners with Growthways, Inc.
Bay Cove enters into strategic partnership with Growthways, Inc., an established provider of developmental services in Southeastern Massachusetts.

Aaron’s experience with the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic
“I knew I had anger issues stemming from trauma in my early years. And I knew that if I didn’t work on myself, and my issues, it wouldn’t matter if I got a new apartment. I would lose it quickly enough.” — Aaron

The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic
Our newest mental health services program is a model of the future of behavioral healthcare, bringing together a full continuum of care while simplifying and increasing access to vital services.

2021 Bay Cove & CASPAR Supporters
Celebrating the individuals and organizations that make Bay Cove’s daily service possible.

The New Day program gets a new backyard
This spring and summer, the residents at New Day were the recipients of some amazing generosity from a coalition of neighbors, who devoted their time, money and elbow grease to a truly transformative volunteer project—reshaping and renovating the program’s backyard.

Q&A with Lydie Ultimo-Prophil, Vice President of Addiction Services
“We have always needed to be innovative and creative in how we deliver services, but COVID brought it to an entirely new level. We learned how to be creative with our program space--the need to reduce capacity and to have quarantine space set up forced us to figure out ways to organize our programs more effectively. “ — Lydie Ultimo-Prophil

Q&A with MaryJo Cooper, Vice President of Developmental Services
“Bay Cove has always been about meeting people where they’re at, and providing the services they need at that time. But what’s so cool about what we do is that we have the ability to change our services to meet their needs as they change over time.” — MaryJo Cooper
Special public speaking course develops self-advocates
The men and women who participated in the course learned techniques to help them become more at ease as speakers, developing such proficiency that Bay Cove’s Mary Jo Cooper was inspired to develop a new staff orientation program that some of the Public Speaking students are involved with.

Bay Cove's BIG NIGHT! Was A Big Success!
Bay Cove’s spring fundraiser honored retiring President/CEO Bill Sprague with the Changing Lives Award.